Sunday, July 18, 2010

The former blogger blogs again

So you may be wondering what this blog is all about. Well, actually I am not completely new to blogging. I had a blog about 6 years ago, but that was so long ago decided to start a new one.

Mostly I'd like for the focus of this blog to be about my running, but I don't want to completely limit it to that by any means. Running is currently something that keeps me motivated in all aspects of my life. It gives me confidence knowing that I can achieve such goals when to think just a couple of years ago I had barely even run a mile and so far this year I have almost run 300 miles!

But because running is something that has changed my life, I want to let this blog seap into all other parts of my life as well. You may find me going on about a good book I've read lately or some of the wonderful kids I work with or perhaps just even some of the hurdles I have to jump over as I work towards being ordained as a minister in the Presbyterian Church and how I plan to combine that with my social work degree and my desire to serve underprevileged children.

Most of all I hope you find this blog entertiaing and much more interesting than this first . . . Chow friends!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Welcome back to blogging! Can't wait to read what's in store...
